Our story takes place in the present day on the distant, tropical moon Eisa, in an alternate timeline in the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States...
A New Space Race Begins: 1972 — 1984
In 1972, a permanent moon base is established by the United States. Discovery of Faster-than-Light (FTL) travel a decade later opens up the far reaches of our solar system. The Soviet Union is first to colonize Mars, mining the red planet and conducting secret military research.
Colonization beyond our solar system begins in the mid-1980s. The Russians discover Eisa, a swampy moon, millions of light-years from Earth. Eisa is rich in exotic minerals and the Soviets open the Yuri Gagarin Mine, deploying a rough assortment of miners and engineers to set up camp. (More about Eisa at Eisanet.org.)
Life After the USSR...
After the breakup of the USSR in 1992, former Soviet colonies are dissolved. The Martian mines are sold to the United States, Japan, and the UAE while Eisa is abandoned, leaving the miners to fend for themselves.
Robotics engineer, Andrei Javik, takes over a derelict cargo station high in orbit above Eisa. He uses the aging station to move goods, robots, and contraband on the black market with nearby colonies.
The Birth of Gaga-Rin...
Catastrophic flooding on Eisa in 1997 forces the remaining colonists to flee to higher ground, with one group taking refuge at the abandoned Gagarin Mine. They set up a Planning Council to coordinate relief and Gaga-Rin Colony is born.
Life is harsh in the hostile terrain, but the fledgling colony takes hold. Thanks to nearby colonies, Gaga-Rin becomes the main trading outpost in the sector.
A Better Tomorrow...
In 2005, American robotics company Nanite Systems moves to Eisa, rebuilding the main settlement as a showroom for their advanced Companion Robots. With their security division, NanoSec, they push back the old colonists and relocate their headquarters from New York to Eisa.
The gentrified settlement becomes a wonderland for tourists and travelers, but tensions remain below the surface. The old Soviets at Gaga-Rin reach an uneasy truce with their new, corporate neighbors, and Gaga-Rin becomes a safe-haven for criminals and galactic drifters.
Man and Machine...
Nanite Systems discovers programmable nano-machines called nanites in 2006. The discovery revolutionizes medicine, allowing seamless integration between cybernetics and the human body.
Illegally, engineers experiment with human robotization, injecting nanites to modify living tissue and adding a programmable cortex to integrate with and ultimately replace the human brain.
An Uncertain Future...
As the sector rebounds, Andrei converts his cargo station into a floating pleasure palace, catering to the work crews, pilots, and intergalactic travelers.
Shielded from authorities by his old colleagues at Gaga-Rin, Javik Station becomes a successful local attraction, with Andrei scrambling to meet his customers' demand for more lifelike units and outlandish sexual delights...